There is a central distribution of Drupal called OSU Drupal. Most websites at OSU use this version.
However, there are other units that have opted to use either a modified version of OSU Drupal, use their own version of Drupal, or not use Drupal at all.
OSU Drupal
Administrative Organizations
- Leadership
- Academic Affairs
- Academic Programs, Assessment & Accreditation
- Center for Teaching & Learning
- Difference, Power, & Discrimination Program
- Institutional Research
- Writing Intensive Curriculum Program
- Associated Students of Oregon State University
- Equal Opportunity & Access
- Faculty Senate
- Finance & Administration
- Global Engagement
- Government Relations
- University Information Technology
- Information Services
- Institutional Analytics and Reporting
- University Ombuds Office
- University Relations & Marketing
- Enrollment Management
- Admissions
- Degree Partnership Programs
- Financial Aid
- Precollege Programs
- Registrar
- Research Office
- Student Affairs
- Career Development Center
- Counseling & Psychological Services
- Diversity & Cultural Engagement
- Memorial Union
- Office of Student Life
- Recreational Sports
- Student Health Services
- Student Leadership & Involvement
- University Housing & Dining Services
- College of Education
- College of Engineering
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Pharmacy
- College of Public Health
- College of Veterinary Medicine
- University Honors College
Centers and Institutes
- Center for Quantitative Life Sciences
- Center for Healthy Aging Research (CPHHS Group)
- Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems
- Center for the Humanities
- Hallie Ford Center for Healthy Children & Families (CPHHS Group)
- Hatfield Marine Science Center
- Institute for Natural Resources
- Institute for Water & Watersheds
- Laboratory Animal Resources Center (Research Group)
- Linus Pauling Institute
- Moore Family Center (CPHHS Group)
- Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium
- Oregon Sea Grant
- Superfund Research Center